


Integration with TortoiseSVN

Added by Anonymous almost 6 years ago

I am investigating the possibility of redmine and can`t to find how to associate/closed tickets during svn commit.
As TortoiseSVN is the most widely used svn client, how to do it using it?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (1)

RE: Integration with TortoiseSVN - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 6 years ago

Do you want to automatically close tickets via SVN commits? If so:

This can be done by including specifically defined "keywords" in the commit messages. You can set such keywords per-tracker in Administration.Settings.Repositories tab.

Look at the bottom of the page. There is a drop-down box for selecting a tracker (or all trackers) and field Fixing keywords. You may write your words there and in the next fields to the right to determine what to happen: the new status of the issue and the percent done.

The real change of issue status happens when the committed revision is fetched by Redmine from the repository. Fetching is activated when opening the repository from Redmine (interactively on the client machine) or by executing a special script in the background on the server:

ruby.exe bin\rails runner Repository.fetch_changesets -e production
from the root installation folder of Redmine. This may be set in Task Scheduler to be executed time to time.