


Group assignee visibility in new Tracker

Added by MY NGUYEN almost 4 years ago

Hi all,

I am using Redmine version: 4.1.1.stable.19730
I Created a new Tracker name: AZ (which is copied exactly from Tracker Feature )
If I choose the Issue tracker Feature , I can assign to group The A team
However, when I select Tracker AZ and want to assignee to A group The A team It doesn't show up

Any help appreciated.


Replies (2)

RE: Group assignee visibility in new Tracker - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti almost 4 years ago

Hi, this is a basic knowledge, so try first to understand interactions between projects, project members and roles.
One hint:
  • The A team must be a member in the project where you use the tracker AZ with a role for which you can assign issues.


RE: Group assignee visibility in new Tracker - Added by MY NGUYEN almost 4 years ago

Hi Lorenzo,

Thank you so much for your reply!!!
How silly I am:/

Thanks and Regards,
