

Lorenzo Meneghetti

  • Login: lorenzo.meneghetti
  • Registered on: 2018-04-11
  • Last connection: 2025-02-20


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



17:51 Redmine Help: RE: Custom Fields - how to style URLs?
Hi Bernhard,
> At least, it would be cool to see the solution. This could be nice feature.
Finally find time to...
Lorenzo Meneghetti
17:45 Redmine Help: RE: Delete thousands of issues created by email loop
Hi, such a things should be done from rails console from an administrator or with a bulk delete, for example from rai... Lorenzo Meneghetti
17:30 Redmine Patch #41508 (New): Possibility to specify a value mask on text field format
Hi, this patch is a to me, a natural extension to "Link values to URL" feature for text field format custom field.
Lorenzo Meneghetti
17:01 Redmine Wiki edit: Patch (#8)
Lorenzo Meneghetti
16:57 Redmine Wiki edit: Patch (#7)
Lorenzo Meneghetti
16:54 Redmine Wiki edit: Patch (#6)
Lorenzo Meneghetti


21:42 Redmine Help: RE: Custom Fields - how to style URLs?
Bernhard Rohloff wrote in message#70205:
> Your problem gets a bit tricky there. You cannot influence the form the i...
Lorenzo Meneghetti


19:13 Redmine Open discussion: Please review the spam detection mechanism on
Hi, To Redmine Core Contributors.
I have lost 2 hours of my time while translating and better an italian guide to Re...
Lorenzo Meneghetti
18:57 Redmine Wiki edit: Guida_Utente (#2)
Lorenzo Meneghetti


18:08 Redmine Help: RE: [upgrade] Moving db from v4 to v5 without plugins
If you have previously installed and uninstalled Redmine 4.0.x correctly there should be no problem.
If you are no l...
Lorenzo Meneghetti

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