


Configuring IMAP Email Issue Creation

Added by Carlo Camerino about 15 years ago


I was just wondering how to make IMAP work for email creation.
I'm trying to get it to work.

I am able to reply through email but i can't create an issue via email?

How exactly do I do it?

I did like this

I sent an email to the address that was configured.
I inputted a subject which is the name of the issue.

Then I wrote in the body,
then i put this at the bottom

Project: financialengine
Status: New
Tracker: Feature
Category: Major

Do I need to include


Replies (5)

RE: Configuring IMAP Email Issue Creation - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Did you set up the ability to override all the fields Project, Status, Tracker, and Category? If not, perhaps Redmine is not accepting the new issue due to that.

Also, does the Category "Major" exist? That could be the issue also.

RE: Configuring IMAP Email Issue Creation - Added by Carlo Camerino about 15 years ago

actually i did that but it's still not working for me.
I didn't include the category anymore.

Anything that I need to include in my message subject?
I still can't get it to work up to now.\

Does it accept html email types?
What does a sample email look like?
Where can i see error logs if ever there is one?

RE: Configuring IMAP Email Issue Creation - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

There isn't anything you need to include in your message subject if you are creating a new issue. Just name it whatever you want the title of the issue to be. If you are replying or updating an issue you need to reflect that in your subject of course.

Check to make sure also on your e-mail that you are including any required fields you have for your issue. Did you create any custom fields that you use in your project that you made required? If you leave those out Redmine will not accept the e-mail.

RE: Configuring IMAP Email Issue Creation - Added by Carlo Camerino about 15 years ago

i'm using the latest development version coming from the trunk...

is there an issue currently with this one?
i still can't get it to work.

i will try it on the stable version to see if it stil happens.

where can i view the log files of errors btw?


RE: Configuring IMAP Email Issue Creation - Added by Carlo Camerino about 15 years ago

i think it's a bug on the current trunk version.
i switched to 0.8.4 and it works.
