Internal Error: Error message after login (only for specific users)
Added by Lee Taylor over 15 years ago
Hi there,
We're all of a sudden (as of last night) having an issue with two of our users trying to access the system after login.
After login, they receive an the following message for every page thereafter:¶
Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.
Here's what our error logs are saying:¶
ActionView::TemplateError (no such file to load --
tzinfo/definitions/America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires) on line #21 of
welcome/index.rhtml: 18: 19: <% for project in Projects Projects > 20: 21:
<= link_to h(, :controller => 'projects', :action =>
'show', :id => project > (<= format_time(project.created_on) >)
22: <= textilizable project.short_description, :project => project
> 23: 24: < end %>
It's occurring for two users based out of South America, though there are other users in South America in our system who aren't having this problem.
Has anyone had similar issues with this? And if so, have you found a resolve yet as to what might be the cause?