


Redmine page should direct me to login page directly

Added by Robert Altmann 7 months ago

Hello world,

I need help with my Redmine deployment and I'm sorry I'm a nube with Redmine. I took this over since the responsible person leaved our company so I have the little baby now. I managed to deploy the Redmine with two websites hosted on one machine with Virtual Host configuration in httpd.conf. The only issue is that if I access https://fqdn the page never load. But when I do https://fqdn/ login the page is loading and I can sign in. Once I did a first login I can also access https://fqdn since the browser is redirecting me to https://fqdn/ login. Is there anything I can configure to always land on the login page?

I appreciate your help regarding that. Just want to finish this project before Christmas :-)



Replies (1)

RE: Redmine page should direct me to login page directly - Added by Carol Hunter 5 months ago

Robert Altmann wrote:

Hello world,

I need help with my Redmine deployment and I'm sorry I'm a nube with Redmine. I took this over since the responsible person leaved our company so I have the little baby now. I managed to deploy the Redmine with two websites hosted on one machine with Virtual Host configuration in httpd.conf. The only issue is that if I access https://fqdn the page never load. But when I do https://fqdn/ login the page is loading and I can sign in. Once I did a first login I can also access https://fqdn since the browser is redirecting me to login. Is there anything I can configure to always land on the login page?

I appreciate your help regarding that. Just want to finish this project before Christmas :-)



Hello Robert,

I understand that you need help with your Redmine deployment and you want to always land on the login page when you access https://fqdn. I did some research and found some possible solutions for you.

One option is to edit the routes.rb file in your Redmine installation directory and change the root path to point to the login page. For example, you can replace the line:

root :to => 'welcome#index', :as => 'home'


root :to => 'account#login', :as => 'home'

This will make the login page the default landing page for your Redmine site. You can find more details about this option here.

Another option is to use a plugin called Redmine Landing Page that allows you to configure a custom landing page for your Redmine site. You can install the plugin following the instructions on its GitHub page and then go to Administration > Plugins > Redmine Landing Page > Configure to set the landing page URL to /login. This will redirect all visitors to the login page unless they are already logged in. You can find more details about this option here.

I hope these options help you with your Redmine deployment.
