


Migrate from version 3 to version 5

Added by rony f 10 months ago


My redmine version is 3.4.4 and have been running on windows server for more than 6 years.
now we plan to upgrade the latest version .
Could you advise which is the better way?
1. Can i use the windows installer to install the latest redmine version 5 on windows ?
2. Any limination on windows installation for verison 5?


Replies (5)

RE: Migrate from version 3 to version 5 - Added by rony f 10 months ago

Thank you so much for the instructions.
I will deploy new windows server 2019 or 2022 and run the redmine 5.0.1 msi installer to deploy

current environment is Redmine 3.4.4 running on Windows server 2008 R2.

As you you mentioned the migration process.
Do you or Would you share the detailed steps or any link?

in this case ,i need to backup redmine installation, database and application files first .then restore to the new server.


RE: Migrate from version 3 to version 5 - Added by David from 10 months ago

Hello Rony,

It is indeed complicated to set up a ruby environment on a Windows server. If you are successful, please follow the below documentation for an upgrade.

Doc: redmineupgrade

I strongly recommend you to go for a Linux option to save time and to have better stability and security.

-- David

RE: Migrate from version 3 to version 5 - Added by rony f 10 months ago

Thanks, as we have run redmine in windows for a long time.
so we have deployed new server and instaled the redmine 5.0.3.

How can we export all the settings and attachments from old server redmine 3.4.3 to the new server redmine 5.0.3?

RE: Migrate from version 3 to version 5 - Added by Ivan Cenov 9 months ago

rony f wrote in RE: Migrate from version 3 to version 5 :

Thanks, as we have run redmine in windows for a long time.
so we have deployed new server and instaled the redmine 5.0.3.

How can we export all the settings and attachments from old server redmine 3.4.3 to the new server Redmine 5.0.3?

I have upgraded Redmine many times and moved to another (Windows) machine too.

I used regular installation procedure with this deviation: Instead of initialization of the database with in initial values, I imported the old database (in your case the database for version3.4.4). I did this by dumping the old database to .sql file and after that executing this file on the newly created database. Right after successful import of the database a migration should be executed so as to make it in recent state as for Redmine 5.0.3.

Be careful about the plugins. Make Redmine upgrade without them, and search for their newer versions, compatible with Redmine 5.0.3.
