


Issue with Uploading File via - Redmine API

Added by Martin Stejskal about 2 months ago


I am experiencing an issue when attempting to upload a file to Redmine using Integromat. Below are the details of my request configuration:

Method: POST

cUrl : "https://mydomain.redmine.instance/uploads.json?filename=filename.xlsx"


X-Redmine-API-Key: my api key
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Body Type: multipart/form_data

Form Data Fields:

Key: File
Data: Binary data for the file
File Name: filename.xlsx
Field Type: File

However, when I execute this request, I receive the following error: "Service is not reachable."

I would appreciate any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue. Please let me know if there are any specific configurations or settings that need to be adjusted.

Thank you for your support.

Replies (2)

RE: Issue with Uploading File via - Redmine API - Added by Alison Quintana about 1 month ago

The error "Service is not reachable" suggests that the request might not be properly reaching your Redmine instance, or there could be network issues or incorrect configurations.

Here are some things to check and try to resolve the issue:

1. Check Redmine URL
Ensure the URL you are using is correct, and that your Redmine instance is publicly accessible (or accessible from Integromat).

Verify the correct protocol (https:// or http://).
Ensure the endpoint is correct: /uploads.json?filename=filename.xlsx.
2. Network Connectivity
Check whether your Redmine server is accessible from your Integromat setup. Try using a tool like curl to see if the server can be reached directly from the same machine where the request is being made:
Copy code
curl -I https://mydomain.redmine.instance/uploads.json
If it times out or fails, there could be firewall or network configuration issues blocking the connection.
3. API Key Permissions
Ensure the API key you are using has sufficient permissions to upload files. You may want to check:

The key belongs to a user who has the necessary permissions in Redmine to upload files.
The API key is correctly configured in the request header as:
Copy code
X-Redmine-API-Key: my_api_key
4. Request Headers
The Content-Type header should be set to application/octet-stream for file uploads in Redmine, but for multipart uploads, it may need to be multipart/form-data. Double-check if you are handling this correctly within Integromat.

5. Body Type
While multipart/form-data is typically correct for file uploads, you might want to test uploading with the raw binary data in the body of the request if multipart doesn’t work. Redmine might expect binary data instead.

Set the Body Type to Binary and make sure the file is attached directly as raw binary content.
6. Try Postman or cURL
Before adjusting configurations in Integromat, test the upload with Postman or curl to see if the issue is specific to Integromat.

Postman Test: Create a POST request to your Redmine URL, set the headers (X-Redmine-API-Key), and upload the file as form-data or binary to check if it works.
cURL Test:
Copy code
curl -X POST "https://mydomain.redmine.instance/uploads.json?filename=filename.xlsx" \
-H "X-Redmine-API-Key: my_api_key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
--data-binary "@filename.xlsx"
7. Check Redmine Logs
If the server is reachable but still failing, check your Redmine server logs for more detailed error messages. Logs can reveal network errors, permission issues, or malformed requests.

8. Integromat Timeout or IP Whitelisting
If the service is hosted behind a firewall or requires specific IPs to be whitelisted, ensure Integromat's IP ranges are allowed. Also, confirm that no timeouts are causing the issue.

RE: Issue with Uploading File via - Redmine API - Added by Robert Clarke 23 days ago

Have you tested the upload using Postman or cURL yet?
