


Redmine 5.0.4 Watchers

Added by Filip Ratajczak 8 days ago

I would like to ask how to solve a problem. When I create new request on Redmine I can choose watchers from all users. But when I want to add watchers to exist request my list to choose is much shorter - it looks like one of gruopu of users. How to set it up to able to add watchers from all users to exist request?

Replies (1)

RE: Redmine 5.0.4 Watchers - Added by Holger Just 7 days ago

For existing issues, when adding a new watcher, Redmine initially offers the possible users from the current project only. You can use the search box in the watchers form, however, to find and add any other eligible user as a watcher, even if this user is not a member of the current project.
