


Permission management via AD

Added by Ladislav Kudláček 25 days ago

Hello, is there a plugin or other option to control user permissions via Group Policy in Active Directory?

1) I add user "A" to group "X" in AD
2) Redmine will react to this setting

I think I'll create a bridge and run it with cron.
1) the bridge reads users and their permissions from AD
2) the bridge reads users from redmine
3) the bridge sets permissions in Redmine via API according to the proposed matrix

But maybe there's something better..?

thanks for ideas

Replies (2)

RE: Permission management via AD - Added by Jeremos Angelos 18 days ago

It should be usefull but as a workaround, you can use an ldap connexion.
I use it on azure and that works perfectly
I have only tested the auth part, not the group rights propagation.

RE: Permission management via AD - Added by Ladislav Kudláček 12 days ago

We have the authentication part we would like to use GPO and delegate permissions according to AD. But it seems that this is not a feasible solution, so the only solution is to make this solution yourself.
