


Installation of redmine

Added by uzi cohen almost 15 years ago

Hi Guys,

I have site and it's hosted in a servers farm (centos, I don't have ssh enable)and I want to add this system there but I don't know how to install it.

there is a a simple way to install it?

I need my server support ruby? if yes how can I do that I try to install it on my machine at home but windows don't know what is the command rake

rake is a command of ruby?

please help I relay want to install this system it's very useful.

Thanks a lot!!!

Replies (4)

RE: Installation of redmine - Added by phillip rhodes almost 15 years ago

You need ssh to do it. I just installed redmine on centos. Documented here.

RE: Installation of redmine - Added by uzi cohen almost 15 years ago

you think it's a lot to ask from my hosting service?

RE: Installation of redmine - Added by Vinod Singh almost 15 years ago

The easiest way to install Redmine on windows is Bitnami's installer. For Linux (Fedora) I have jotted down my experience here:

RE: Installation of redmine - Added by uzi cohen almost 15 years ago

Hi guys,

1st of all thanks a lot

I installed successfully redmine system on xp lite version with Bitnami's installer Vinod Singh your advise help a lot

I put the server on my partner's home and create dyndns account for it work perfect.

Thanks again,
