


Redmine with apache (cgi) - Directory index forbidden

Added by Slawek O about 16 years ago

I'm new to redmine, I have been using trac by my developers want to try redmine.
I have installed (on FC5) ruby-, rubygems-0.9.2-1.fc5
rails 2.0.2 and latest redmine.
It is working with Webrick.

By when I'm trying to access it by apache directly 9not through Webrick) I'm getting apache default Apacge webpage and error in log:
[Mon May 26 17:02:28 2008] [error] [client ] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/redmine-0.7/public/

SetEnv RAILS_ENV production
DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine-0.7/public
<Directory /var/www/redmine-0.7/public/>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error/
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined env=!image

I would appreciate any help.

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine with apache (cgi) - Directory index forbidden - Added by Bill Hacker about 16 years ago

I've rahter poor luck with (x)CGI - ing Rails apps.

Suggest mongrel_cluster + the reverse-proxy of your choice.

But first thing you should check is the file and directory perms..

Directories w/o a world-x bit cannot be searched.

CGI wants a world-x bit ELSE will do nothing / throw an error..

.. OR MAY display the file as text or download it...




RE: Redmine with apache (cgi) - Directory index forbidden - Added by Slawek O about 16 years ago

I have all redmine rootdir owned by apache.apache and 755, so it must be something else ?
Does anybody have it working as cgi with apache ?
