redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Philippe Liège about 15 years ago
When attempting to update an issue (eg increasing Pct Done), I get the following error message.
SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
app/models/issue.rb:146:in `tracker_id='
app/models/issue.rb:158:in `attributes_without_tracker_first='
app/models/issue.rb:160:in `attributes_without_tracker_first='
app/models/issue.rb:160:in `attributes='
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:183:in `edit'
Our redmine install was running smoothly with redmine_issues_group installed until about 3 weeks from today. From this point, our redmine install still runs smoothly, but this only after redmine_issues_group has been removed.
The server (debian lenny) is running revision 3220 in production mode.
Details of our environmment are:
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.4
Rack version 1.0
Rails version 2.3.4
Active Record version 2.3.4
Active Resource version 2.3.4
Action Mailer version 2.3.4
Active Support version 2.3.4
Application root /srv/redmine/trunk
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20091221004949
About your Redmine plugins
Rate Plugin 0.1.0
Redmine Schedules plugin 0.4.2
Redmine Graphs plugin 0.1.0
RD formatter 0.0.1
Budget 0.2.0
Timesheet Plugin 0.5.0
Invoice plugin 0.0.1
Customer plugin 0.2.0
Stuff To Do Plugin 0.3.0
Best regards,
Replies (9)
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Roland Discein about 15 years ago
I have worked redmine_issues_group plugin 0.1.6 with redmine r3107, but after upgrade to redmine r3255 I have the same
SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
here is my details )
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i686-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.5
Rack version 1.0
Rails version 2.3.5
Active Record version 2.3.5
Active Resource version 2.3.5
Action Mailer version 2.3.5
Active Support version 2.3.5
Application root /opt/redmine
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20091227112908
About your Redmine plugins
Redmine Whining plugin 0.0.2
Charts Plugin 0.0.14
Redmine Local Avatars plugin 0.0.2
Redmine Bugcloud plugin
ezFAQ plugin 0.3.5
Redmine My Widgets plugin 0.1.0
Redmine Graphs plugin 0.1.0
Redmine link 0.1.0
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Andrew Chaika about 15 years ago
This error is not plugin specific. I have tested plugin on r3255 on windows in development mode and it works well.
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Roland Discein about 15 years ago
Andrew Chaika wrote:
This error is not plugin specific. I have tested plugin on r3255 on windows in development mode and it works well.
This is clear, thanks. I've double checked that this bug doesn't appears when turning
config.cache_classes = false
in environment (by default in development.rb)
As you can see, we also use yours Redmine Local Avatars plugin 0.0.2, but you said , that it will only work in production environment (because of classes caching). So, if I'll repair this one and brake another one, my users will put shame on me. (and over 100 avatars became trash)
An old russian proverb says:"гайку прикрутили - жопа отвалилась".
I believe if you was so kind to create such a very useful products, you will try to support them better than with "can't reproduce" formal reply.
I hope you will spend a couple minutes for digging the roots of this "stack overflow" error.
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Andrew Chaika about 15 years ago
- About Local Avatars - jimmyz, has a fork of this plugin on github, where problem with production/development mode has been solved.
- Why I don't update plugins - I get tired to update it for every 0.8.x version or new trunk revision, I have an installed revision of trunk and my plugins have worked on it, thats what I need for my everyday work for which I earn a salary. When I will upgrade to 0.9-stable I will update plugins and release new versions.
- About "Support them better" - it's a free/open software, it means that I don't get any money for plugin development or support of them and you don't have any rights to demand support or changes. Hire Ruby developer and he will support/update them for you. Read this topic, maybe you can understand something -
- About "stack overflow" and "digg" - ask Google/Yandex why this error appear mainly on Linux implementation of Ruby (not Windows), I have asked, when receive a question from one more loyal compatriot, solution was in increasing memory available for Ruby.
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Roland Discein about 15 years ago
Yep, of course, I understand you very well.
Thank you for quick reply, this is exactly that I wanted.
Sorry for pushing you, but I've just waited for authorized reply about why not to provide all features of new trunk redmine (requested by my users) with old features that they already has with your plugins. I'm not a ruby developer (and also I don't receive any money for such development) but my users think that I am. All in all I respect your work and hope to see new such useful soft written by u.
Best wishes!
By the way, I tried to increase memory limits - it causes rails to die. I'll try to investigate what critical differences in recent revisions make issues_group to hang.
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Andrew Chaika about 15 years ago
I have fixed this error, see for new version of plugin.
Local Avatars plugin is still incompatible with the trunk - I don't catch why alias method does not work properly like it works in previous versions of rails.
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Roland Discein about 15 years ago
Thank you, Andrew!
I've found that error comes with r3139 of issue.rb
I've reverted changes in issue.rb of redmine and error dissapears!
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Philippe Liège about 15 years ago
Thank you Andrew and Roland!
I installed version 0.1.7 of the plugin and it works.
RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Added by Roland Discein about 15 years ago
Andrew Chaika wrote:
Local Avatars plugin is still incompatible with the trunk - I don't catch why alias method does not work properly like it works in previous versions of rails.
Why? Avatars works in production. I have this fork working with trunk in production mode.
This is cool, in r3284 Jean-Philippe added avatars to news and forum pages.