

Philippe Liège

  • Login: pliege
  • Registered on: 2008-09-12
  • Last connection: 2024-05-15


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0



15:32 Redmine Help: RE: How to use MariaDB with Redmine 5.1.2
Philippe Liège wrote in message#69681:
> 'tx_isolation: "READ-COMMITTED"' in database.yml does the job when using Ma...
Philippe Liège
15:28 Redmine Help: RE: How to use MariaDB with Redmine 5.1.2
'tx_isolation: "READ-COMMITTED"' in database.yml does the job when using MariaDB 10.11.6 (Debian Bookworm).
I also a...
Philippe Liège


13:40 Redmine Help: Solved: Add member does not show up in myproject/settings
Add member shows up in myproject/settings/members (build 9590). Philippe Liège


11:42 Redmine Help: Add member does not show up in myproject/settings
As from build 9530, the "add member" module does not show up in myproject/settings.
Is this a bug or is this...
Philippe Liège


12:06 Redmine Help: RE: Error in upgrade
Same issue here.
Tested (unsuccesfully) three mongrel patches described in this forum. Mongrel was workin...
Philippe Liège


09:05 Redmine Plugins: RE: budget_plugin fails to link an issue to a deliverable
No I didn't. I am not sure whether this is a bug or simply due to my redmine install. Should I create an issue on yo... Philippe Liège


19:19 Redmine Plugins: RE: budget_plugin fails to link an issue to a deliverable
The only way I have to link issues to a deliverable is using bulk assignment. Any individual assignment in the editin... Philippe Liège
19:05 Redmine Plugins: budget_plugin fails to link an issue to a deliverable
Hello Eric,
I have been using budget_plugin for a while, but I can no more link an issue (new or existing) to a de...
Philippe Liège


11:38 Redmine Help: RE: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
Thank you Andrew and Roland!
I installed version 0.1.7 of the plugin and it works.
Philippe Liège


16:49 Redmine Help: redmine_issues_group not working anymore
When attempting to update an issue (eg increasing Pct Done), I get the following error message.
Philippe Liège

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