


Git branches not displaying?

Added by Jeffrey Jones almost 15 years ago

Howdy all.

I am having problems displaying...or even getting RedMine (0.8.7 stable) to see a branch I have in Git.

I have been searching around the site and seen that support for git branches was enabled in Issue #1406 but I cannot see any evidence of this. Branch commit messages aren't displayed or linked to issues. There is no "branches option" or anything obvious on the page

I am using redmine with bare git repositories and I am wondering if that has anything to do with it because I don't think redmine could read them when #1406 was created.

Is anyone else using bare git repos and branches without trouble?


Replies (2)

RE: Git branches not displaying? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

Hello Jeffrey,

Git branches aren't available in 0.8.x, but will be in the upcoming 0.9.0. If you need it quickly, you will need to upgrade to the 0.9-stable branch, or to trunk, but a 0.9.0 release is planned for the coming weeks, so it shouldn't be too far off :-)

RE: Git branches not displaying? - Added by Jeffrey Jones almost 15 years ago

Fantastic, thank you. It isn't urgent so I can wait
