


created issue status not displaying

Added by Gavin Hanover over 16 years ago

I created a new Issue Status in the admin area, but when I create or update an existing issue, the status is not available.

I just did an svn update to 0.7.1, and restarted redmine, but it has not helped. Is this a bug, or did I miss something?

Replies (2)

RE: created issue status not displaying - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

Admins don't have automatic permissions on workflow transitions.
You have to give a role to your user on the project. Go in project settings -> members and add your user.

RE: created issue status not displaying - Added by Gavin Hanover over 16 years ago

ok, i had defined the status, and i was already a member of the project, but i had not assigned the new status to any of the workflows. thanks for the help.
