Installing Redmine on webspace without shell access
Added by Ulf Karrock almost 15 years ago
We had a normal webspace package on a german webspace-provider, ftp access and MySQL-DB.
Ruby is also available.
It is possible to install Redmine without having access to a shell (ssh)?
On the installation information site the user has to set seom environment-variables and must execute some "console commands" (
How can we install Redmine without having access to a shell? Is there a possibility to configure and install it via a web-based-wizard (like often is done by using php-based projects like mantis or typo3).
Thanks for your answers and suggestions! :)
Best regards
Replies (4)
RE: Installing Redmine on webspace without shell access - Added by Ulf Karrock almost 15 years ago
I wanted to say "We have a normal webspace" (not "had") :)
RE: Installing Redmine on webspace without shell access - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
I think the problem isn't to have ruby but rails available on the host, but I'd suppose that'd work if they are advertising it. Make sure all versions are the ones requested on the install page. If the versions aren't the right ones, you might have a chance packaging/freezing the gems, but I can't help you with that.
The few commands you need shell access for are only really to bootstrap the db, so you could have a redmine install on your desktop, point it to the db you have from the webspace-provider, and fire all the shell commands from there. Once that is done, you could even just upload the whole redmine install from your desktop to the webspace, make sure the permissions are set up correctly, and that should work quite nicely.
RE: Installing Redmine on webspace without shell access - Added by Ulf Karrock almost 15 years ago
Oh ... that is a nice "workaround".
So I will try it with a XAMPP installation locally and try to put it on the webspace afterwards.
Thanks for this suggestion. I´ll try it! :)
Best regards
RE: Installing Redmine on webspace without shell access - Added by Jan from Planio almost 15 years ago
Hi Ulf, what's the provider you're with? We're German and have seen a couple of them. Real Ruby on Rails support is rare in shared hosting environments and a gut feeling tells me, your package offers Ruby but not Ruby on Rails. Is it HostEurope by any chance? If so, you won't be able to get Redmine running. Ruby on Rails is usually deployed using an Apache module (passenger) or a reverse proxy to a mongrel cluster. Both of which aren't available in most shared environments. If your provider does indeed support RoR, come back to this thread and we'll be happy to help with getting things going.
I know it's another shameless plug, but I'd like to invite you to have a look at Planio (that's run by my company). We offer turnkey Redmine hosting including SVN & Git on very fast servers located in Germany. A Planio is set up in <5 minutes and you'll never have to worry about Rails hosting again :)