


To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question

Added by Jeffrey Jones about 15 years ago

This post is direct to anyone running RedMine in a Japanese environment.

Has anyone managed to get PDF export working? Whenever I do it all the hiragana,katakana and kanji comes out horribly messed-up due to the problems described in #61.

If anyone has it working out of the box could or got it working after some hacking about could they let me know.


Replies (10)

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Aruo Miura about 15 years ago

Hi Jeffrey Jones.
I try to do it on Ticket view, and my export.pdf has no problems.
Server:Redmine 0.8.6 on Windows 2003 Server/Japanese
Client:WindowsXP SP3/Japanese, FireFox3.5.8, Adobe Reader 9.3.1

Maybe it's FONT issue.

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Jeffrey Jones about 15 years ago

Hello Miura-san,

Thank you for that information. I do not have a windows machine to test it on.

I also think it is a font issue but I am not sure how to test it. Is there any way for you to check which font is being used?


RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 15 years ago

Jeffrey Jones wrote:

Hello Miura-san,

Thank you for that information. I do not have a windows machine to test it on.

I also think it is a font issue but I am not sure how to test it. Is there any way for you to check which font is being used?


Hi Jeffrey Jones.
What OS do you use?

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Jeffrey Jones about 15 years ago

I am using Ubuntu Linux Server Edition (Headless, command-line only).

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 15 years ago

Jeffrey Jones wrote:

I am using Ubuntu Linux Server Edition (Headless, command-line only).

Sorry, I don't use Ubuntu and Debian now.
Can you input Japanese to Redmine and display on browser?


RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 15 years ago

Jeffrey, What DB do you use?
MySQL default encoding is latin-1.

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 15 years ago

Jeffrey, Can you see #4949?

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Jeffrey Jones about 15 years ago

Hello Maruyama-san,

No I am unable to see the Japanese, I get garbage instead

However my colleagues can (both on the 4949 above and on our own site) when they use windows (I tested before on their computers with an earlier version of RedMine and I swear it wasn't working but it is now).

So it looks like a font issue on my Linux client machine combined with RedMine choosing a font that I don't have?

I have installed the basic Japanese fonts on my system (MS Mincho and MS Gothic).

Since I am the only Linux user here this isn't a huge problem anymore, just an annoyance.

redmine-garbage.png (42.2 KB) redmine-garbage.png Garbage output from PDF with Japanese text on linux client (Kubuntu 9.10)

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 15 years ago

Jeffrey Jones wrote:

Hello Maruyama-san,

No I am unable to see the Japanese, I get garbage instead

However my colleagues can (both on the 4949 above and on our own site) when they use windows (I tested before on their computers with an earlier version of RedMine and I swear it wasn't working but it is now).

So it looks like a font issue on my Linux client machine combined with RedMine choosing a font that I don't have?

I have installed the basic Japanese fonts on my system (MS Mincho and MS Gothic).

Since I am the only Linux user here this isn't a huge problem anymore, just an annoyance.

I think this is PDF reader problem, not Redmine problem.

RE: To Japanese Redmine Users - PDF Question - Added by Jeffrey Jones about 15 years ago

Aha, that is a problem.

KozMinPro-Acro is not a freely available font.

I am investigating how this font can be installed on linux but it looks like I won't be able to do it without
A: Breaking a law or two.
B: Installing some proprietary software like Acrobat Reader.

I will do some investigation but this has increased by belief that RedMine should let the user configure which fonts to use when exporting to PDF/PNG.
