Redmine and Git newbie question
Added by Adrienne Millican almost 15 years ago
Hi there,
I've just set up a Git repository and my team is looking to use Redmine for our project management tool.
So, we have something set up in Redmine thanks to a site called "Turnkey". I've gotten that Redmine project to read in our .git repository. The commits and comments show up.
Now I'm wondering: is it possible, or even desirable, to use Redmine to do the git commands? For example, can developers use the Redmine Git interface to clone that repository? If so, how?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Replies (3)
RE: Redmine and Git newbie question
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
Redmine only displays the repos content, you can't do anything with it as it is. You could try to use the provided to provide a redmine-controlled DAV access to your git repo, but that requires some meddling around as it is not officially supported.
RE: Redmine and Git newbie question
Added by Jan from Planio almost 15 years ago
There's also RedmineGitosis which we've extracted from Planio, our Redmine hosting service. You can use that to manage (create, remove and handle authorization) your Git repositories from within Redmine. It also provides handy Clone URIs directly in Redmine.
And of course, you could always have a look at Planio which does all that and more for you. It's a hosted Redmine service that comes with SVN and Git repos and a lot more Redmine goodness.
RE: Redmine and Git newbie question
Added by Lars Jansen almost 15 years ago
RedmineGitosis looks great Jan. However, it does not seem to add the developer's private keys to the configuration, nor does it set the privileges in my case. The git repositories get added to gitosis.conf just fine. Do I have to do something special, like running a cronjob that updates the private keys in order for this to work? I did add the redmine users to the project's developer list.