


Revision in parent project referring to a ticket in a child project

Added by Chris Platts about 15 years ago


Just thought I'd run this past your collective brains before I start reorganising one of our projects...

We've got a plugin-based application which currently has a single project in Redmine (with its Subversion repo linked accordingly). However, it's become apparent that we'd be better served by having child projects for each of the app's plugins.

However, we'd like to keep the subversion repository linked to the parent project. But will this work as expected? For example, if an issue is raised in the child project, will a commit log referring to that issue associate with the issue correctly, bearing in mind that the repository is in the parent project?

Thanks for any help!


Replies (1)

RE: Revision in parent project referring to a ticket in a child project - Added by Felix Schäfer about 15 years ago

Commit log referring should work (haven't tested it though), but you won't be able to use r1234 links for example to link to the repository from the subprojects. I think the best thing to do would be to go all the way and split your repository up and use svn externals to stitch it all back together (see to learn how to split your repository while still retaining full history for the concerned bits). The added benefit here would be that each plugin can be developed on without affecting the project as a whole.
