


Rescan repository for ticket referencing

Added by Dave Lewthwaite almost 15 years ago


We recently discovered the associated revisions feature and i promptly re-configured it to work without keywords (by defining *).

What i want to do now is have redmine re-scan the SVN repo log messages for any past referencing using this style, as we often put ticket numbers out of habit (so its linkable from within redmine) but never put the old keywords.

I don't really want to have to remove and re-add the repository as i don't know what else that could break and it would interfere with people trying to work.


Replies (4)

RE: Rescan repository for ticket referencing - Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago

I put a feature request in about this ages ago (#1273) but so far no response.

RE: Rescan repository for ticket referencing - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

You'll have to remove and re-add it, sorry. It won't have any negative effect on redmine (or shouldn't, hasn't for me at least), and if you fear to interfere with your colleagues, just schedule a maintenance downtime.

RE: Rescan repository for ticket referencing - Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago

Our issue for now is we have 22 projects with repositories so we'd like to automate this so it can happen over-night (as trac does). Removing and adding them manually isn't really an option for us.

Hopefully at some point the fetch_changesets script could be modified to accept an argument as to whether to do a full fetch or an incremental fetch so overnight we could run it in full mode but throughout the day in incremental.



RE: Rescan repository for ticket referencing - Added by Dave Lewthwaite almost 15 years ago

Looks like i'll have to do it when i update (currently running 0.8.4) as scheduled downtime.

Thanks anyway
