


Unable to login

Added by Tom von Drudel over 14 years ago


I have installed RubyStack and then Redmine ( as a native module on my Mac Mini. The installation went fine and I am able to access Redmine through my web browser.

However, I am not able to login to Redmine. I can see that the database gets updated when I try and create a new user, but when I try to login I get “Invalid user or password” even though the credentials are correct.

When I installed the program, I skipped to supply the SMTP settings. I have now created an email.yml and restarted the server but no emails are sent when I register new users. Not sure if this is related to the problem with login in.

Any ideas of what the problem might be?

Any help is very much appreciated!


Replies (2)

RE: Unable to login - Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago

Were you able to login with the default admin/admin credentials?

RE: Unable to login - Added by Tom von Drudel over 14 years ago

No, that does not work. When looking in the database, I see two accounts that I have created (type=User) and one with type=AnonymousUser. None is called admin...

It does not work to login with any of the accounts in the database.

Any more suggestions on what could be wrong?
