JOIN/WHERE SQL for selecting issues viewable by a user
Added by Randy Syring almost 15 years ago
Can someone tell me what the JOIN/WHERE SQL would be to select issues that are viewable by a given user id? I have an external application that needs to retrieve issues for a user, but only those they could see if they were logged into redmine.
The logic seems to be:
- if admin -> show all issues
- show issues if user is part of a project with a role that has view permissions
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RE: JOIN/WHERE SQL for selecting issues viewable by a user - Added by Randy Syring almost 15 years ago
turns out not to be too complicated, the SQL would look something like:
FROM "issues"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "issue_statuses"
ON "issue_statuses".id = "issues".status_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects"
ON "projects".id = "issues".project_id
( 1 = 0
OR projects.is_public = 't'
OR IN ( 5, 6, 7 )
where 5,6,7 are the projects the user has the 'view_issues' permission.
And here is my Python code which uses SQLAlchemy queries:
def apply_user_filter_to_query(user_id, q):
rmuser = db.sess.query(RmUser).get(user_id)
if not rmuser:
raise ValueError('user_id %s not found' % user_id)
# if the user is an administrative user, no filter is applied
if not rmuser.admin:
proj_ids = user_projects_with_view_issue_perms(user_id)
return q.where(or_(
text( '1 = 0'),
projects.c.is_public == True,
return q
def user_projects_with_view_issue_perms(user_id):
sql = """
from projects p
inner join members m
on m.project_id =
inner join member_roles mr
on mr.member_id =
inner join roles r
on = mr.role_id
where m.user_id = :user_id and r.permissions like '%\:view_issues%'
result = db.sess.execute(sql, {'user_id': user_id})
return [row['id'] for row in result]
def issues_list_users(user_id, fusers, fstatuses, is_grouped):
issue_select = apply_user_filter_to_query(user_id, iss_select_all)
user_issues = issues_list_users(, ...)