


The entry or revision was not found in the repository - Subversion

Added by Constellation Media over 14 years ago

CentOS 4 (2.6.9-023stab044.11-enterprise)
Webrick (I believe)
Rails 2.3.4
Ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [i686-linux]
SVN 1.6.5

I get the error message "The entry or revision was not found in the repository" when adding any repository, public or private, http or https. However I can run svn ls just fine from the CLI. Where do I start troubleshooting?

Replies (1)

RE: The entry or revision was not found in the repository - Subversion - Added by Constellation Media over 14 years ago

Never mind, fixed it. I was baffled at how it could work so swimmingly at the CLI level, and not in Redmine. Then I decided to run "which svn", which let me know the functional client lived in /usr/local/bin, whereas Redmine wanted /usr/bin. Given that there's no reason for an outdated, broken svn client there anyway, I just moved it and softlinked the /usr/local/bin copy. All is swell now.
