


CPU Throttling with BlueHost

Added by Stephen Evans over 14 years ago


So, we love Redmine.

I decided to give it a try and manually got it up and running on my company's blue host account. Everything is working fine, except that we're getting very poor performance on ever third or fourth user access. What I mean is you can view a few and maybe submit a few at lightening speed, but then the next action takes about 4 seconds to complete. It's very frustrating. I went into my bluehost cpanel and noticed that "During the past 24 hours your account has been throttled for a total of 1053.673 seconds." And there are spikes everywhere.

I'm running redmine 0.9.3 in production mode. I ran the following script as suggested:

RAILS_ENV=production script/about
./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:119:Warning: Gem::Dependency#version_requirements is deprecated and will be removed on or after August 2010. Use #requirement
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.6
Rack version 1.0
Rails version 2.3.5
Active Record version 2.3.5
Active Resource version 2.3.5
Action Mailer version 2.3.5
Active Support version 2.3.5
Edge Rails revision unknown
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20100221100219

We'd be extremely happy if anyone can offer advice how to get it working at full speed!

Stephen Evans

Replies (1)

RE: CPU Throttling with BlueHost - Added by Stephen Evans over 14 years ago

My fastcgi.crash.log also continuously fills up with:

[13/Apr/2010:17:31:21 :: 21434] starting
[13/Apr/2010:17:33:04 :: 21434] asked to stop immediately
[13/Apr/2010:17:33:04 :: 21434] stopping after explicit exit
[13/Apr/2010:17:42:23 :: 15589] starting
[13/Apr/2010:17:47:13 :: 15589] asked to stop immediately
[13/Apr/2010:17:47:13 :: 15589] stopping after explicit exit
[13/Apr/2010:17:58:48 :: 28623] starting
[13/Apr/2010:17:59:56 :: 28623] asked to stop immediately
[13/Apr/2010:17:59:56 :: 28623] stopping after explicit exit
[13/Apr/2010:22:19:58 :: 22963] starting
[13/Apr/2010:22:23:39 :: 22963] asked to stop immediately
[13/Apr/2010:22:23:39 :: 22963] stopping after explicit exit
[14/Apr/2010:09:25:29 :: 3407] starting
[14/Apr/2010:09:26:53 :: 3407] asked to stop immediately
[14/Apr/2010:09:26:53 :: 3407] stopping after explicit exit
[14/Apr/2010:09:35:49 :: 2823] starting
[14/Apr/2010:09:37:01 :: 2823] asked to stop immediately
[14/Apr/2010:09:37:01 :: 2823] stopping after explicit exit
[14/Apr/2010:09:42:16 :: 23769] starting
[14/Apr/2010:09:42:39 :: 23769] asked to stop immediately
[14/Apr/2010:09:42:39 :: 23769] stopping after explicit exit
[14/Apr/2010:09:43:22 :: 31358] starting
[14/Apr/2010:09:44:46 :: 31358] asked to stop immediately
[14/Apr/2010:09:44:46 :: 31358] stopping after explicit exit
[14/Apr/2010:09:45:25 :: 5559] starting

Is running Redmine on bluehost a bad idea? It's working fine except for these intermittent bog-downs.
