


Only Working on Projects on the Project Overview http://.../projects Page?

Added by Tobias Hochgürtel over 14 years ago


is there an way to show only the selected Projects for the currently loged-in User? ( I mean the Project in which he has an role )?

Is there an Plugin for doing this?

friendly greets,

Tobias Hochgürtel

Replies (3)

RE: Only Working on Projects on the Project Overview http://.../projects Page? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Well, if you set all projects to be private, users will only see projects they are involved in.

RE: Only Working on Projects on the Project Overview http://.../projects Page? - Added by Tobias Hochgürtel over 14 years ago


To set all Projects to Private, that means, that all Projects haven't setuped the flag(checkbox) "is public" ? That's the case here, but in the overview whoch appears when you click at the top on "Projects" or in german "Projekte" in the header Menue, there are alle Projects. On the right side, there is an drop down Box, there are only my singt in Projects selectable.

You understand what I mean? I have checked again all settings but I can't find an special button or checkbox whioch says that an Project is "private", or does the Overview also include Projects where "I was an member, but now not any more?"

RE: Only Working on Projects on the Project Overview http://.../projects Page? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

A user shouldn't be able to see anything from a private project he is not member of… What version of redmine are you using?
