


Noob install question on typical dedicated web server

Added by Razvan Neagu over 14 years ago


Excuse the 'oh, so basic' nature of my question but I can't seem to understand installation instructions. I have a new dedicated Linux server from HostGator - Specs say it has:

  • CentOS
  • Full root access
  • Ruby on Rails
  • MySQL
  • PHP, Perl, Python
  • Bunch of other stuff

I am trying to follow the instructions from

So the instructions go over a bunch of stuff to do or check but does not give details. I can follow directions pretty well but I am not a webmaster, nor do I have one on staff. Can anyone give pointers on how to do the following:

  • Check to see what Ruby version I have
  • Check to see what Ruby on Rails I have
  • What do I need to do if I do not have the right versions
  • MySQL - install the C bindings for Ruby

The various 'code' that is in the Redmine installation guide - where do I enter that? (I know you are rolling your eyes right now, right?)

I see there is a link provided at the bottom of the install page to 'alternative to manual installation' -

I guess there are two resources listed there:
1. BitNami Redmine Stack -
2. TurnKey Redmine Appliance

My current experience so far with Linux web server has been installing WordPress on the server so my expectation is that I would download a zip, unzip it, upload the files and create a MySQL database instance to be used by the app.

Am I way off? Any pointers you care to share?


Replies (7)

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Razvan Neagu over 14 years ago

Oh, just to clarify on thing... I do not plan to have this server dedicated to Redmine, rather it will host several WordPress websites for clients.

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago

While it would be fairly easy to give you a full walkthrough of what you have to do, I'm going to err on the side of caution and advise you otherwise.

A dedicated Linux server gives you a lot of power, and if you are going to have client sites on it I highly suggest you either get a control panel like WHM/Cpanel or hire a competent linux administrator to get you fully setup and configured (or both). There are a lot of ways you can make minor mistakes which open up vulnerabilities and potential security holes, which you really need experience and expertise to recognize.

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Razvan Neagu over 14 years ago

Thank you for your quick response. I failed to mention that the server comes with cPanel/WHMCS already loaded so I used that to mange the server thus far to create accounts, quota, set up MySQL for WordPress, etc.

So with cPanle/WHMCS there, would my task of getting Redmine up and running be easier?

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago

Yes, I will give a rough overview below, unfortunately I don't have the time to give step-by-step. This assumes default cpanel everything.

  1. Create the account
  2. Give account Bash Shell
  3. Log into the accounts cpanel
  4. SSH into the server as that user
  5. Download latest redmine (via svn or package) to /home/accountname/rails_apps/redmine
  6. Create the database and user
  7. edit config/database.yml with that info
  8. Create session store by doing this in /redmine: rake generate_session_store
  9. Create the database structure, by running the following command in /redmine: RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
  10. Insert default configuration data in database, by running the following command : REDMINE_LANG=en RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data
  11. Go to the "rails apps" button in cpanel and create the application
  12. Create the rewrite on that page as well
  13. Start the app
  14. Change the account to Jailed shell

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Razvan Neagu over 14 years ago

Much appreciated, every bit of info helps. It gives me a better overview; enough to probably tackle.

I suggest someting like this (or even the detailed version) would be very useful to be included in the Redmine wiki installation instructions. Since it is so easy and useful to use, it would be a pitty to loose potential users that are intimidated right off the bat, on hte installation step.

If I may abuse your benevolence one more time, I am a bit unclear on steps 2 and 14. I know that Shell is a way to run commands on the server and I think HostGator some links to some clients taht provide such functionality so I can probably figure out how to establish a Shell sessions and do that. In taht context, could you tell me waht you mean by Bash Shell and Jailed Shell?

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago

If you Login to WHM Main->Manage Shell Access you can see that you can give each account either a Full Bash (basically full access to your server), Jailed shell (They only have access to their own account), or no Shell Access.

The only people with Bash/Full access should be you and your admins.

RE: Noob install question on typical dedicated web server - Added by Razvan Neagu over 14 years ago

Great; thanks again for all your assistance; speedy and to the point - much appreciated!!
