


Redmine Just Hangs

Added by Robert Lankford about 14 years ago

Has anyone had this:

Redmine just hangs during certain requests. Hangs means pauses before delivering the page. The pause might be 5 seconds, or it might be a minute and a half. During this time, the command prompt on the server reports nothing and the ruby.exe process sits at 0% usage. The server isn't getting hit hard at all otherwise. After the pause, the page is delivered quickly.

During the pause, other requests simply wait too. They get queued up, so to speak. I believe that this behavior is expected, however, since I don't think it is possible to process page requests in parallel.

Has anyone seen this? Any ideas?

Windows 2003 server with lots of cpu and ram.

An example:

Processing IssuesController#index (for at 2010-05-27 15:55:38) [GET]
  Parameters: {"project_id"=>"callisto", "set_filter"=>"1", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"issues"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering issues/index.rhtml
Completed in 9422ms (View: 9328, DB: 16) | 200 OK [http://server-name-here/projects/project-name-here/issues?set_filter

Replies (3)

RE: Redmine Just Hangs - Added by Robert Lankford about 14 years ago

Ok, so here's where we're at. We aren't sure that this has anything to do with Redmine at all. There really is only the one person who's having the trouble. They only have the trouble from home over VPN. At the office, they experience no problems with Redmine. It turns out that the version of the Cisco VPN software is much older than the version everyone else uses. So, they're going to upgrade their VPN software and try again.

I'll post back here if that fixes the problem.

RE: Redmine Just Hangs - Added by sabasa over 11 years ago

hi, I have the same problem on win server 2003!
Please somebody help us, please..
I am going to think very bad about the ruby performance, even i sometimes wish the great Redmine never written on ruby.

RE: Redmine Just Hangs - Added by sabasa over 11 years ago

I tried to figure out the problem and found that there are many SQL SELECT commands logged by mysql for every simple single issue read command using REST API! I don't know if realy is needed too many (about 26 queries) to get info about one issue!? I think this may lead to a very hot cpu load when 2 or 3 users request on redmine server. I have installed the Bitnami Redmine 2.2.0 and all settings are the default ones in the Bitnami installer using a win server 2003.
