


Trying to install redmine on ubuntu server 8.04 ... I'm lost.

Added by Lu Pon over 14 years ago

First, sorry about my English.
I have been trying to install redmine trunk with apache2 over Ubuntu Server 8.04

As I can see here is a lot of information, on wiki, but nothing specific for this configuration. Redmine works fine with webrick but I need to work with apache2 (it's recommended.. isn't?).

So, I tried first with mongrel and I failed. Mongrel work well, but I couldn't configure apache to work with it.I spent here about 2 days trying.

Then I tried with passenger (2 more days), I follow this steps:

sudo gem install passenger
cd /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.13/bin
sudo ./passenger-install-apache2-module

then it says I must do this:

LoadModule passenger_module /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.13/ext/apache2/
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.13
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby1.8

I found at Internet, that first sentence must be in a passenger.load and the others in passenger.conf

Then I make an alias at apache conf.d:

Alias /proyectos /usr/share/redmine/public
<Directory /usr/share/redmine/public>
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options -MultiViews

But finally I get:

You don't have permission to access /proyectos/ on this server

And I am really exhausted ... and spent lot of ours trying do this... any idea??

Thanks in advance

Replies (5)

RE: Trying to install redmine on ubuntu server 8.04 ... I'm lost. - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

What errors do you have in your apache error log?

RE: Trying to install redmine on ubuntu server 8.04 ... I'm lost. - Added by Lu Pon over 14 years ago

[Thu Jun 03 00:34:20 2010] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /usr/share/redmine/public/

RE: Trying to install redmine on ubuntu server 8.04 ... I'm lost. - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Have you restarted apache after installing passenger to make sure apache picked it up? Anyway, this seems like a passenger problem, please refer to the guides on how to install passenger on you distribution or the passenger docs for more information.

RE: Trying to install redmine on ubuntu server 8.04 ... I'm lost. - Added by Lu Pon over 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Have you restarted apache after installing passenger to make sure apache picked it up?

yes, of course... force-reload and also restart

Anyway, this seems like a passenger problem, please refer to the guides on how to install passenger on you distribution or the passenger docs for more information.

ok... I will. thanks

RE: Trying to install redmine on ubuntu server 8.04 ... I'm lost. - Added by Lu Pon over 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Have you restarted apache after installing passenger to make sure apache picked it up? Anyway, this seems like a passenger problem, please refer to the guides on how to install passenger on you distribution or the passenger docs for more information.

After install passenger by .deb specific package it works but:

I must put it as a virtual host, and no using an alias... I mean .. modifying a file in mods-available and not in conf.d

Then I had to make a symlink /var/www/something/projects -> /var/www/redmine

And adding a line:
RailsBaseURI /projects

after this:

DocumentRoot /var/www/something/

thanks !
