


I cant browse my git repository

Added by komuthan ln over 14 years ago

I have a bluehost acount.I installed git 1.7.1 to home directory and git binary is in path(i edited the .bashrc and .bash_profile files).
git binary is in the ~/bin and and i added this directory to path
when i click repository tab in my project "The entry or revision was not found in the repository." error appears
In log/production
"Processing RepositoriesController#show (for at 2010-06-02 17:31:59) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"myappid", "controller"=>"repositories"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Completed in 111ms (View: 21, DB: 41) | 500 Internal Server Error []
How can i fix this this

Replies (3)

RE: I cant browse my git repository - Added by komuthan ln over 14 years ago

I edited the git binary location in lib/scm/adapters then it start to work

RE: I cant browse my git repository - Added by Matt Cairns about 14 years ago

Hi komuthan,
Thanks for your post, it gave me a great start!
I'm trying the same on hostmonster. I suspected the same as you and have been trying to change where redmine looks for git. I found git_adapter.rb in lib/redmine/scm/adapters and began editing GIT_BIN with my location. I replaced the default "git" with the full location to my git install. It is still not working so I was wondering if you had any more insight.
Thanks in advance!

RE: I cant browse my git repository - Added by Matt Cairns about 14 years ago

Found it!

Solution for anyone looking to accomplish the same.

To find your git executable bin, ssh into your server and run this command:

which git

It will spit out the correct git path. something like: /home/name/git/bin/git

Find the following file: lib/redmine/scm/adapters/git_adapter.rb

# Git executable name
GIT_BIN = "git"


# Git executable name
GIT_BIN = "/home/name/git/bin/git"
