


Subversion: simple reference changsets to tickets by providing #ticket_number

Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago


Redmine has nice feature which allows reference commits to tickets by simply providing reference keyword and ticket number. However many developers (me too) are very used to simply writing a ticket number in a #ticket_number way or using a #ticket_number in a sentence in commit messages. Using special keywords and always remember to provide them is very not natural and annoying.

I found that referencing tickets is made in scan_comment_for_issue_ids but I'm very unfamiliar with ruby. Could anybody provide a patch which will simple reference changesets by all occurrences of #ticket_number? Not numbers or by using keywords but by simple #ticket_number format.

Replies (3)

RE: Subversion: simple reference changsets to tickets by providing #ticket_number - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

After hour of searching I wrote this topic... then after a minute I found a solution in documentation...

If you want to reference issues without using keywords, enter a single star: * in the Referencing keywords setting. In this case, any issue ID found in the message will be linked to the changeset.

RE: Subversion: simple reference changsets to tickets by providing #ticket_number - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Do you know maybe how to refetch now all commit messages so old commit messages would be again parsed to search for ticket references?

RE: Subversion: simple reference changsets to tickets by providing #ticket_number - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Kamil Dziedzic wrote:

Do you know maybe how to refetch now all commit messages so old commit messages would be again parsed to search for ticket references?

Delete the repository from the project settings and re-add it.
