


Revisions under Activity tab

Added by fox_moxdah fox_moxdah about 14 years ago

Why do commits I did with Tortoise SVN show under Activity tab while commits I did with Ankh SVN do not?

I use subversion with Tortoise SVN and Ankh SVN. I can see all revisions (ones made with Tortoise SVN and ones made with Ankh SVN ) under Repository tab.

Is this by design or is it a bug?

Replies (2)

RE: Revisions under Activity tab - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Revisions only get fetched when you visit the repository tab by default, I think that will be your issue. See the FAQ for other solutions (cron or hooks).

RE: Revisions under Activity tab - Added by fox_moxdah fox_moxdah about 14 years ago

Yes that was it. I can't believe I missed that. :)

Thank you! For your help and incredible fast response.
