


Upgrade from 0.9.4 Bitnami to Current Manually

Added by Sam Bo over 14 years ago

I originally installed the Bitnami stack and everything was running great until I followed the upgrade instructions at the wiki here and after doing all the steps nothing worked.. I kept getting Activesupport errors, etc.. Is there something special in upgrading when using the bitnami installer originally? Any suggestions as I have a ton of data I've already ported and don't want to have to start again and prefer to keep it updated...

Replies (1)

RE: Upgrade from 0.9.4 Bitnami to Current Manually - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

You should have looked at the bitnami homepage for upgrade instructions. You can either go with a more uptodate bitnami or a manually installed stack, but I'd suggest to not mix things. After having installed either of those, make a backup of your current db, make a copy of your current db and point your freshly-installed redmine to it, run the migrations (rake db:migrate plus rake db:migrate:plugins if you have plugins) to make sure everything is ok with the schema, be sure to copy over any other configuration you've done (email.yml for example) and the files folder.
