Upgrade problem - another blank page issue
Added by Alan Bowsher over 14 years ago
Same title, but different problem...
I just upgraded from 0.8 to 0.9.6. All the associated Ruby installs were upgraded to the correct versions. When I fire up the app from the server via a Putty session, it runs fine as long as I stay logged in. If I close the Putty session, when I hit the app from my desktop browser, I get a blank page as a response.
I can go to the same server and run 0.8 in the same fashion, log out, and not have any problems.
One error that I have seen in the log (although not consistently) is this:
Processing WelcomeController#index (for at 2010-07-09 18:12:59) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"welcome"}
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as [:check_if_login_required] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 4ms (DB: 1) | 302 Found []
Any suggestions?
Replies (5)
RE: Upgrade problem - another blank page issue
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Alan Bowsher wrote:
When I fire up the app from the server via a Putty session, it runs fine as long as I stay logged in. If I close the Putty session, when I hit the app from my desktop browser, I get a blank page as a response.
What command do you use to run redmine?
RE: Upgrade problem - another blank page issue
Added by Alan Bowsher over 14 years ago
I've used both "ruby script/server -e production&" and "ruby script/server webrick -e production&". The former was how I had it for 0.8, the latter is what the doc now says. Honestly, I don't know the difference.
I forgot to mention, the process doesn't die. But if I log out of the Putty terminal, it starts returning blank pages instead of those of the web app. Again, version 0.8 works fine.
Thanks for any help... this is frustrating because I like the ability to sort by a custom fields now in 0.9.6 (we use a Rank field with a numeric value), I'd like to use it.
RE: Upgrade problem - another blank page issue
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Those aren't preferred or even advised solutions, but I think you should be able to use ruby script/server webrick -e production -d
, the -d will daemonize the server and send it to the background, stopping it should work by finding its PID with ps and killing it with kill the_PID
RE: Upgrade problem - another blank page issue
Added by Alan Bowsher over 14 years ago
Wow, nice job, that fixed it. Thanks for the tip.
RE: Upgrade problem - another blank page issue
Added by Anthony Cartmell over 14 years ago
Fixed the problem for me too :)