where is files in redmine0.9.3
Added by lixin song over 14 years ago
Dear Sir:
I have installed redmine 0.9.3 under ubuntu 10.04 with following instructions:- sudo apt-get install mysql-server
- sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
- sudo apt-get install redmine redmine-mysql
And when I plan to backup files, I can not find my attachments (it was under files dir in 0.8.6)
Can somebody kindly help me?
PS: My redmine dirs:
zjujoe@server:/usr/share/redmine$ tree -L 1
├── app
├── config
├── db
├── extra
├── lib
├── public
├── Rakefile
├── script
├── templates
├── test
└── vendor
Replies (3)
RE: where is files in redmine0.9.3 - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Please contact the maintainer of the ubuntu package for more information, as the ubuntu package is provided by debian/ubuntu, not by redmine.
Knowing debian/ubuntu though, I'd wager it's somewhere in /var/lib/redmine, or /var/redmine or something like that.
RE: where is files in redmine0.9.3 - Added by lixin song over 14 years ago
thx a lot! It's there:
zjujoe@server:/var/lib/redmine$ sudo tree
└── default
└── files
├── 100726195239_peepcode-git.pdf
├── 100726195315_O_Reilly.Version.Control.With.Git.May.2009.pdf
├── 100726195340_git-magic.pdf
├── 100727102352_git-tutor.pdf
├── 100727102656_repo
├── 100727102955_android-formatting.xml
├── 100727103113_android.importorder
├── 100727103113_CodeConventions_CN.pdf
├── 100727103113_CodeConventions.pdf
└── 100727103113_.vimrc
I am sorry for the incovinience!
RE: where is files in redmine0.9.3 - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
No problem, glad you found it.