


SFLphone 0.9.8-3.1 (SuSE 11.3 x86_64) use only GSM codec nevetheless there are bunch of other audio codecs?

Added by Olegue Miloshko over 14 years ago

I have installed on two comps SFLpone. The application works easy, smooth and user friendly. I have discovered that it coded the sound only with GSM codec and refuse to use others from the list. If I uncheck the GSM codec on the both machines the calls works with no sound I receive "Not acceptable here (448)". In case I keep GSM codec on one of the machine the calls works with sound coded in GSM codec.
For some reason application refuse to use the other codecs, some of which unfortunately is better choice as a quality for sound.

Any idea how to fix that?

Replies (1)

RE: SFLphone 0.9.8-3.1 (SuSE 11.3 x86_64) use only GSM codec nevetheless there are bunch of other audio codecs? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I think you have hit the wrong Redmine, this here is the Redmine Redmine (sic), not the SFLPhone or SuSE one, sorry.
