


email configuration issues

Added by Kristylee g almost 14 years ago

I have Redmine fully installed (thanks to some support and direction from the folks here!) and now I am trying to configure the email notifications. I have edited the email.yml file and would like to test it but under admin/settings/email notifications it still says that I need to update the file and restart. I only have limited shell access (stupid hosting co) and have tried restarting through the cpanel/ruby apps/ stop and start application menu. I'm not sure if it is configured wrong or if I am not able to restart as I need to...

I would think i would at least be able to send out a test but redmine doesn't seem to be recognizing that i have changed the configurations. Any other way to restart if that is the problem?

Thanks for your help!


Replies (2)

RE: email configuration issues - Added by Kristylee g almost 14 years ago

and actually...what exactly am i restarting here? am i restarting redmine?

RE: email configuration issues - Added by Kristylee g almost 14 years ago

I restarted Redmine as well as Apache and I am still getting this message.

Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled.
Configure your SMTP server in config/email.yml and restart the application to enable them.

Am i missing something?
