the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1
Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
when open the closed issue
my IE show
Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.
the redmine contorl show
Processing IssuesController#show (for at 2010-09-06 12:03:11) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"1794", "controller"=>"issues"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering issues/show.rhtml
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined local variable or method `issue' for #<Acti
onView::Base:0x86956f8>) on line #16 of app/views/issues/_history.rhtml:
13: <% end >
14: </ul>
15: < end >
16: <= render_notes(issue, journal, :reply_links => reply_links) unless jou
rnal.notes.blank? >
17: </div>
18: <= call_hook(:view_issues_history_journal_bottom, { :journal => journal }
) >
19: < end %>
app/views/issues/_history.rhtml:16:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47issues47_histo
app/views/issues/_history.rhtml:2:in `each'
app/views/issues/_history.rhtml:2:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47issues47_histor
vendor/plugins/advanced_roadmap/app/views/issues/show.rhtml:94:in `_run_rhtm
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:124:in `show'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:123:in `show'
Rendering F:/InstantRails/rails_apps/redmine101/public/500.html (500 Internal Se
rver Error)
what need i do
thanks !
Replies (9)
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
all closed issues can not open
but the other stat issues can open
and can build new issues
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
i creat a new issue and change it to closed , but i open this closed issue have no problem, it can be open.
now i found ,only the old closed issue (created on redmine 0.8.4) can not open .
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
this is my app/views/issues/_history.rhtml :
<% reply_links = authorize_for('issues', 'edit') ><= >" class="journal">
< for journal in journals >
<div id="change
<h4><div class="journal-link"><= link_to "##{journal.indice}", :anchor => "note-#{journal.indice}" ></div>
<= avatar(journal.user, :size => "24") >
<= content_tag('a', '', :name => "note-#{journal.indice}")%>
<%= authoring journal.created_on, journal.user, :label => :label_updated_time_by %></h4>
<% if journal.details.any? >
<ul class="details">
< for detail in journal.details >
<li><= show_detail(detail) ></li>
< end >
< end >
<= render_notes(issue, journal, :reply_links => reply_links) unless journal.notes.blank? >
<= call_hook(:view_issues_history_journal_bottom, { :journal => journal }) >
< end %>
dose it had any problem ?
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
<% reply_links = authorize_for('issues', 'edit') ><= >" class="journal">
< for journal in journals >
<div id="change
<h4><div class="journal-link"><= link_to "##{journal.indice}", :anchor => "note-#{journal.indice}" ></div>
<= avatar(journal.user, :size => "24") >
<= content_tag('a', '', :name => "note-#{journal.indice}")%>
<%= authoring journal.created_on, journal.user, :label => :label_updated_time_by %></h4>
<% if journal.details.any? >
<ul class="details">
< for detail in journal.details >
<li><= show_detail(detail) ></li>
< end >
< end >
<= render_notes(issue, journal, :reply_links => reply_links) unless journal.notes.blank? >
<= call_hook(:view_issues_history_journal_bottom, { :journal => journal }) >
< end %>
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
<% reply_links = authorize_for('issues', 'edit') ><= >" class="journal">
< for journal in journals >
<div id="change
<h4><div class="journal-link"><= link_to "##{journal.indice}", :anchor => "note-#{journal.indice}" ></div>
<= avatar(journal.user, :size => "24") >
<= content_tag('a', '', :name => "note-#{journal.indice}")%>
<%= authoring journal.created_on, journal.user, :label => :label_updated_time_by %></h4>
<% if journal.details.any? >
<ul class="details">
< for detail in journal.details >
<li><= show_detail(detail) ></li>
< end >
< end >
<= render_notes(issue, journal, :reply_links => reply_links) unless journal.notes.blank? >
<= call_hook(:view_issues_history_journal_bottom, { :journal => journal }) >
< end %>
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
i had found :
the opend issues from redmine Version 0.8.4
after i update redmine to 1.0.1
the old opend issues i can change it statu to be closed .
and after it had been cloesd ,i still can open it and can change it status .
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
can anyone help me....
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Make sure your upgrade is complete and you don't have old files lying around.
RE: the closed issue can not open after 0.8.4 update to 1.0.1 - Added by hanjiang zheng over 14 years ago
i am sure my updrade is complete , i do it like your updragde web page ,
but i don't know what is the "old files " mean ?
you mean the file is redmine 0.8.4 ?