


Assigning a user a 'default' project

Added by Rich Sage almost 14 years ago

Hello all :-)

I'm looking to use the incoming email handler to poll a POP3/IMAP account for new emails and create new tickets as and when this happens. So far so good. However, I'd ideally not like to rely on the user adding "Project: foo123" into the body of their email. Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a way to assign a default project to a user? This could then be checked upon an incoming email from that user's email address and the ticket then created in the correct project.

Is there such a setting? Is this possible in a default install, or should I look to write some form of extension/plugin?


Rich :-)

Replies (2)

RE: Assigning a user a 'default' project - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

You can specify a project on the command line for rdm-mailhander.rb, but not per-project. You could either create multiple incoming addresses that will each call the mailhandler with a different --project option, or maybe make a wrapper around that in which you can pass the correct --project based on the user sending the mail.

RE: Assigning a user a 'default' project - Added by Rich Sage almost 14 years ago

Yes, I think the wrapper option is what I'm looking for - multiple incoming addresses would obviously work but I think the single one the users have at the moment is too ingrained in their heads ;-) I'll head for the wrapper approach.


