Reg. Multiple roles per user per project Feature
Added by Srinivas G over 14 years ago
Dear All,
Can anybody explain this feature. "Multiple roles per user per project"
a. What are the advantages with this option.
b. If user has multiple roles on same project, what access permissions will be considered as default
Thanks in advance
Replies (1)
RE: Reg. Multiple roles per user per project Feature
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
The advantages is that you can combine roles, e.g. imagine you have a role forum editor that has permissions on the forum, another role wiki editor that has permissions on the wiki. If you want a user to have both sets of permissions, you don't have to create a third role forum and wiki editor, you can simply give both roles to that user. The permissions of the roles are "added", i.e. if at least one role the user has has the permission to do something, the user will have that permission.