


custom `buttons` for the editor in wiki/forum?

Added by mike shenina almost 14 years ago

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom tags to the editor, like the * is used for bold, or _ for italic.

Does anybody know?

Replies (5)

RE: custom `buttons` for the editor in wiki/forum? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Ir probably is, the source is open after all, but you'll have to dive into the code :-)

RE: custom `buttons` for the editor in wiki/forum? - Added by mike shenina almost 14 years ago

yep, spent last night trying to dive in the redmine sources (i'm a newbie)

i found that redmine is using some kind of "textile" and it's inside /lib/redmine.

there are a few files but it seems that it is the code of the whole tag parser, not the tags themselves. i and couldn't find their definitions anywhere :(

could anyone more experienced give any hint where should i look?

RE: custom `buttons` for the editor in wiki/forum? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Do you want to just add a button for a custom javascript, or add a custom tag for something?

RE: custom `buttons` for the editor in wiki/forum? - Added by mike shenina almost 14 years ago

i would like to add a button for custom tag

like, i don't know, [test]content[/test] would wrap content into <span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:0.5em;">(for example)</span>

RE: custom `buttons` for the editor in wiki/forum? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Well you would need both of them then, but extending textile with more tags won't be easy, and you have been looking at the right spot for that. There is no easy "drop-in" way to extend the markup language I know of, sorry.
