


No email notifications

Added by Marcin Trendota almost 14 years ago

About week ago redmine stopped sending emails. I've performed some research and noticed that 'send test email' from admin panel works but this doesn't:

$ rake redmine:email:test RAILS_ENV="production" login=user
(in /home/moonwolf/Dokumenty/redmine/redmine)
An email was sent to ===

[i've changed domain for no reason (;)]

And despite of that - there's no email at all. What could gone wrong? Around week ago i changed one issue's name (and also added one new). Don't recall any other changes. Redmine is from trunk and updated. Any ideas?

Replies (4)

RE: No email notifications - Added by jachetto jachetto almost 14 years ago

i've the same problem, after last update some user get email some user no.

I've commented:


#config.action_mailer.logger = nil

end in my log i have:

Sending email notification to:

without any address

Any idea?

Marcin Trendota wrote:

About week ago redmine stopped sending emails. I've performed some research and noticed that 'send test email' from admin panel works but this doesn't:

$ rake redmine:email:test RAILS_ENV="production" login=user
(in /home/moonwolf/Dokumenty/redmine/redmine)
An email was sent to ===

[i've changed domain for no reason (;)]

And despite of that - there's no email at all. What could gone wrong? Around week ago i changed one issue's name (and also added one new). Don't recall any other changes. Redmine is from trunk and updated. Any ideas?

RE: No email notifications - Added by Marcin Trendota almost 14 years ago

jachetto jachetto wrote:

i've the same problem, after last update some user get email some user no.

Same here. At least one user receives emails. Maybe it's not Redmine issue?

RE: No email notifications - Added by Marcin Trendota almost 14 years ago

Didn't work for me (but gave me idea how it works). Finally i manually converted all 'mail_notification' entries in 'users' table and everything seems to be OK now. We'll see.
