


Problem with SVN configuration

Added by Kamil Pietrzak almost 14 years ago

Hello All
I has big problem with configuration SVN repository on Redmine. When I try get access to repostitory browser, I see only error message, something like "Object or version didn't find in repository"

Please find attached error log

log.txt (7.95 KB) log.txt

Replies (3)

RE: Problem with SVN configuration - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

See logs/scm_error.log for the error from the svn shell-out, but probably either your svn repository is empty or you have input the wrong address in the project config.

RE: Problem with SVN configuration - Added by Kamil Pietrzak almost 14 years ago

Unfortunately I didn't find scm_error.log. Where I can find it?

Regarding empty repository and wrong address or username. I'm 100% sure than is it correct

RE: Problem with SVN configuration - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

In your redmine directory you should have a directory called log (sorry, not logs), and there should be an scm_error.log (or something similar) in there if the shell-out to svn errors out.

Anyway, please also see the FAQ and try what's in there.
