


editing issue's start date, estimated time

Added by maris k about 14 years ago


time to time there are cases when issue's initial estimation as well as starting date must be changed, for some unknown reason you cannot edit these fields when updating the issue.

is it a bug or is there another way around it?


Replies (2)

RE: editing issue's start date, estimated time - Added by Andreas Bosch about 14 years ago

I think this is only the case if the issue has sub-tasks defined.

In this case, the parent issue's "Priority", "Start Date", "Due Date", and "Estimated Time" are calculated based on the values of its sub-tasks. For example, the "Estimated Time" is calculated by summing the estimations of its sub-tasks. The priority seems to be the highest priority of its sub-tasks, see also my post here.

RE: editing issue's start date, estimated time - Added by maris k about 14 years ago

oh, right, i see, .. it combines estimated hours of subtasks, thanks!
