


Syntax higlight

Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

Are it anyway to get syntax higlight in repository whit any other plugin then Ultraviolet

Have search around alot but dosent find mutch

/ Slaktarn

Replies (4)

RE: Syntax higlight - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Syntax highlighting in stock redmine is provided by coderay, not ultraviolet. Anyway, there might be plugins to change it, look on the PluginList or on github.

RE: Syntax higlight - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

How do you mean i have test Ultraviolet but i can´t get it to change syntax so thats why im looking to another options and im not sure what to look after other options.

RE: Syntax higlight - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

I get this to work but it ofc dosent work here cuz the tcl syntax not included

 proc {test} {
  if {$thisworks} {return 0}

but how do i get it to work in the respository browser?

RE: Syntax higlight - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Ok, please please ask full questions in understandable english and state exactly what problems you have.

From what I have gathered from your answers, you have replaced the code highlighter in redmine with ultraviolet, but it doesn't recognize other formats than the stock redmine formats in the repository browser, correct?
