How is the configured? (I'm specially interested on the repository)
Added by Enrique Garcia over 14 years ago
Hi there!
I'm having performance issues with the svn repositories on my site. At least part of the problem seems to derive from the fact that the svn log
command is executed twice per request, and it's painfully slow (one execution taking ~30 seconds in some cases).
I've done several searches on the issues and found some pointers, but still nothing conclusive. There's a patch I still have to test, and I'm not sure that I've figured out correctly how the
In the meantime, I've noticed that's repository page is, very snappy. Lightning fast.
Congratulations! This is specially impressive because the redmine svn tree is huge.
So, can the sysadmins share their arcane configuration secrets? ^__^U
I'd be interested in:
- Operative system & ruby version
- Apache svn config file (passwords and other important info should be edited out, of course)
- Repository settings (minus passwords, of course)
- Any repository-related cron tasks?
- Any custom patches?
- 2 lines commenting how the whole system works (do they have a local repository that gets refreshed? A cron task, or hookup files?)
Thanks a lot!
Replies (4)
RE: How is the configured? (I'm specially interested on the repository)
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
AFAIK uses a cron to periodically update redmine's view of the repository and has the auto-update disabled, see FAQ for more info on how to update the repo independently of the web app (I personally have a post-commit hook telling redmine which repository got updated) and RedmineSettings for the autofetch setting.
RE: How is the configured? (I'm specially interested on the repository)
Added by Enrique Garcia over 14 years ago
Hi Felix, thanks for your answer.
I'm trying RedmineSettings now.
RE: How is the configured? (I'm specially interested on the repository)
Added by Enrique Garcia over 14 years ago
Hi again,
I've been fighting with this for 1 day now and found a satisfactory enough solution, so I thought I should share it.
The change in Redmine setting mentioned above, while helpful, only was able to provide me with a small performance increase; the repository took less seconds to appear, but was still to slow to be usable.
I've tried applying the patch in #6159, but the gains were also marginal.
I realized that my problem was that SVN connections through Apache + mod_dav were just too slow. Even if I reduced their number, having just one would decrease performance dramatically.
The solution has been replacing the subversion repo addresses from to file:///path/to/my-repo .
(Optional Step: I also used the latest redmine_checkout (from trunk) to 'override' the url shown to the user, and put the http:// one there. This doesn't improve speed at all, but makes the repository look nicer and easier to use.)
The drawback of using file:// is that I you can't use automatic repository creation with repoman any more; repository creation has to be done manually.
This alone made the server quick enough, so I'm happy now.
I'd bet that they are using the file://
in too. Otherwise it would also be extremely slow, no matter what.
Anyway, I hope this helps someone in my same spot.
RE: How is the configured? (I'm specially interested on the repository)
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Enrique Garcia wrote:
The drawback of using file:// is that I you can't use automatic repository creation with repoman any more; repository creation has to be done manually.
I'd bet that they are using the
in too. Otherwise it would also be extremely slow, no matter what.
And no.