Add external image link?
Added by clawfrown clawfrown over 16 years ago
If I write anywhere in textile text field something like an external link to the image file, for e.g.:
I can't see the image on the page after saving it.
Is there a possibility to be able to add an external link to the image and then to see that image in a ticket description, wiki page etc?
The browser shows it correctly if I simply put it into the browser address bar.
Replies (2)
RE: Add external image link?
Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
I don't think it's possible. You have to upload it to the wiki/forums page to link it in order to getting it display in the page.
RE: Add external image link?
Added by clawfrown clawfrown over 16 years ago
Is there a way to modify something so that it can be possible?