Creating issues from email: Log from email, but don't create user in the system
Added by Tatyana Matveyeva over 14 years ago
Hello All,
We are trying to use Redmine as some kind of Helpdesk system. Especially we need to create issues in one of the projects basing on incoming mails to support email. I could easily setup it using Redmine documentation. But there is one problem occurred and I was unable to find an answer on wiki, forum or issue tracker.
We don't need to create users in the system, if from email is not recognized. It's OK to create issue from "Anonymous" user. But we need to store "from" email in the issue, for example in the custom field "Client email".
Is there ability to to this without changing Redmine code?
Replies (3)
RE: Creating issues from email: Log from email, but don't create user in the system
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Tatyana Matveyeva wrote:
Is there ability to to this without changing Redmine code?
No. That could probably be extended through a plugin, but there isn't one yet that does that that I know of.
RE: Creating issues from email: Log from email, but don't create user in the system
Added by Tatyana Matveyeva over 14 years ago
Thank your for your answer. Then I need to learn RoR to create required plugin =)
RE: Creating issues from email: Log from email, but don't create user in the system
Added by Aleksandra Fedorova over 14 years ago
let's see it in this way:
I can organize incoming client mails in such a way that they will have a From-field of one registered user, say Anonymous and contain the e-mail address of the client inside which can be recognized as a special field
then issue could be created in a usual way
but then i need the possibility to write answers to this e-mail from redmine interface and to attach somehow this answers to the history of the Issue - is it possible without too much of programming?