


Redmine 0.7.3 + ruby 1.8.7 - issue regarding text_helper.rb patch (as reported in issue 1609)

Added by frank guthorel almost 16 years ago


I have been trying redmine, but apparently a lot of pages (project activity, issue details, ...) are breaking because of an issue in ruby1.8.7 (not a redmine issue).

Over the past couple of days, I have been checking out the fora, bugs, patches, and so on - ao. this came in as the solution pretty much everywhere:

Basically, a patch to revert text_helper.rb in the ruby folder to the 1.8.6 version (please correct me if I'm wrong).

A lot of people reported this patch to be effective, and that it got Redmine up and running again.
However, I'm sad to say - this is not the case here. I patched the file, restarted apache, and still get the same error.

If anybody here has more information about this, I'd be very happy to hear it.
I can provide more information if needed - running Redmine on a local development server (Debian), and I'd prefer not to downgrade to 1.8.6, if possible.

Output error:
undefined method `length' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0xb6ecd130> for page activity for a project
undefined method `length' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0xb6ef6864> for page timelog (details) for a project

I'm pretty sure the same issue is creating havoc on these pages - which is precisely what the patch advertises to fix.
Maybe I'm being n00b here, but apart from patching the text_helper.rb file and restarting apache, is there anything else I'd need to do?

Any comments and/or help is much appreciated.


Replies (1)

RE: Redmine 0.7.3 + ruby 1.8.7 - issue regarding text_helper.rb patch (as reported in issue 1609) - Added by frank guthorel almost 16 years ago


silly me - apparently, I was patching the wrong location.

The issue mentioned at and it's patch clearly mentions that
needs to be patched.

That file is located in
on a Debian system,
and not in

Note to self - rtfm properly ;)

Thanks in any case - looking forward to see Redmine progress and evolve!

