


routingError at CentOS 5.3 & apache mod_proxy

Added by chris lee almost 14 years ago

Hi :

I run a redmine at a CentOs 5.x with mod_proxy. If the url contains the "projects"(ex: /projects/aabbc) , it will cause the RoutingError .

production.log looks like :

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "//pjname" with {:method=>:get}):

(projects is gone !! @@)

And i try to modify the route.rb( change 'projects' to 'project' and then it works!!)

It is very wired. Is there anything wrong ?

Thanks !!

  • backend is mongrel 1.5

my http.conf :

<Proxy balancer://mongrel>


<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName sername
DocumentRoot "/home/xxxxx/projects/redmine/public" 
ProxyPass /javascripts !
ProxyPass /stylesheets !
ProxyPass / balancer://mongrel/
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mongrel/


Replies (2)

RE: routingError at CentOS 5.3 & apache mod_proxy - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

You probably have a higher-level rule in apache that eats up the projects part.

RE: routingError at CentOS 5.3 & apache mod_proxy - Added by chris lee almost 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer:

Thanks a lot !!

I really find one....

when i remove that directory, everything runs well.

Thanks :)
